Emerging business professionals intending to apply for their MBA degrees must take a number of important factors into consideration. The first being the reputation of each school they’re looking at, the second being whether the schools are located in areas or cities boasting a strong innovative culture, and the third being how long their degrees will take to complete. With a Masters in business being one of the most expensive degrees out there, programs allowing students to attain this prestigious designation in one year as opposed to the typical two will allow graduates to start working faster, offsetting tuition costs, and enabling them to make a name for themselves in their respective industries without delay.


The one-year MBA offered through the Lazaridis School of Business & Economics is recognized for propelling graduates into the business world by means of their integrated core teaching methodology. This approach is unique the school and helps students see business problems from a variety of perspectives, not just from the viewpoint of their specialization. The one year Lazaridis MBA program mirrors how the business world actually works, and asks students to think about the effects their decisions have on all departments of a company or organization; this trains them to be better leaders and managers.

All this said, students are also encouraged to pick a concentration and are given a number of MBA specializations to choose from. These include Accounting, Financial Management, Marketing, Strategic Management, Operations Management, Human Resources Management, Supply Chain Management, International Business Management and Entrepreneurship. When it comes to business innovation, the school is situated in Waterloo, the centre of Canada’s technology triangle. There students can test ideas by joining incubator programs, and network with like minds around the city’s hubs. Many start ups have emerged from students’ participation in the MBA program, and have gone on to become fast growing competitive enterprises.

The school is named after the founder of BlackBerry smartphone, who is presently is founding partner of Quantum Valley Investments based in the city of Waterloo itself with a mission to help breakthrough technologies attain commercial success. The school’s strong and commendable faculty of over 120 working professionals and their commitment to each candidate’s success in the classroom is just one valuable piece of what is offered. Current students are also provided with access to a comprehensive alumni network to help them along in their aspirations, both in the program and after it.

Earning an MBA can be an amazing asset for business people just starting out in their careers, and can put them miles ahead of the competition. By choosing a program that takes just one year to complete, but that provides candidates with integral knowledge that opens doors to widespread business success and career advancement, they can enjoy the benefit of obtaining their degrees faster than other cohorts coming out of other school. A one-year MBA therefore offers some of the best returns on investment of both funds and time on the part of its graduates.